Family Adventure - Newark

Central Ohio has much to offer for family adventures. There is so much packed within a 60-90 minute drive and we were able to take full advantage on Friday. Hubs had the day off so we packed up Baby K, braved state route 161 on a Friday afternoon and headed 40 minutes East to a little city named Newark. Newark has been in the news this year because the Longaberger building is there. Y'all know what I am talking about, right? The building that looks like a basket. Yep, that one. There is also a branch of Ohio State out there. Neither of those attractions are the reason that we were there on Friday. We went for three specific things: root beer, museum, farmers market. Root beer: Hubs is obsessed. Like, seriously obsessed with root beer. I'm not kidding. He has a Facebook page. He rates them. He DOES have more pictures of our daughter than root beer... I think. A few weeks ago he came out to Newark all by his lonesome to go to a root beer bar. A ROOT BEER BAR. He and his ...