First Word Competition

After Baby K was born I struggled with how I was going to introduce myself to her. I mean, I spent months talking to her while she punted my internal organs around, but once she was born, how would I let her know who I am? How could I make sure that she knew that I look a little different on the outside, but it was my heart that she was hearing beat for all those months? Most importantly, how could I ensure that her first word would be...mama? (It is a thing I have... don't judge me).

As soon as we knew she was paying attention (and able to follow our fingers), we started pointing to our noses and saying our names. Round a bouts of "mama, dada, Kenzie" were heard over and over again. She seemed to love it. Laughs were had. After a month or so, she joined in. She would point to my nose and it was my job to say "mama" so I did. About 8,000 times. I didn't care. Have you ever heard a six month old giggle? Heaven. Plus, when we got past the cooing stage, Baby K's first word was... mama! Yes!! Year made.

Now let's fast forward to last week. My dear daughter and I were hanging with the dog and cat in the library. She was "reading" a book to me and I was giving her my undivided attention. Once the reading was done she started picking up minute lint particles on the rug (it is a thing she has). Whenever she does it I try to distract her from her seek and find mission, so I reverted back to the good old days.

Me: "Kenzie, who is this?" I say while touching the tip of my nose. 

My kid looks up from the carpet, a smile grows across her face as she realizes the game that we are playing. 

I ask her again "Kenzie, who is this?" 

She gets super close, puts her finger next to mine on my nose and with all the confidence in her chubby little body she shouts at the top of her voice..."DADA!" 



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