My name is...
Most days I am “mama,” hubs is “dada,” and our offspring is “Kensie”. Most days. Which is generally how we like it, since we pored over our baby name list and picked a name that had meaning to us and all that jazz, right!? Right.
Starting yesterday, Kensie decided that she was NOT going to be Kensington for the duration. She was on some ‘my name is whatever I say it is’ bullshit. Not only did she say what her new name was, but Mark and I got new names also. She changed up the game all over. Like, fuck my feelings forever— she didn’t care that I’ve had the same name for 41 years, that shit stopped yesterday! 😒😒
So yesterday, Baby K was Owlette from PJ Mask. I was Cat Boy (did NOT like) and hubs was Gekko. If we called her baby, Kensie or any other name besides Owlette she SWIFTLY sent the correction AND would not answer us until we used her proper name. Protests of “I Owlette!!” rang through our house, followed by this look that screamed “I thought y’all were smart, but clearly that is not true...”
It sounds cute until you come to the realization of how many times you call your kid by their name, or just talk to them in general. For snacks, to ask if there is a needed potty break, to get dressed, for juice, for help picking up THEIR toys. You call your kid a LOT. Or maybe it is just me- either way I got to hear “I Owlette, you Cat Boy” about 5 trillion times yesterday (and that is I only a slight exaggeration).
Last night I was glad to see Kens, er, Owlette go to sleep because if I had to remember to call her something different for one minute longer I was going to have a nervous breakdown. This morning I woke her up and couldn’t help thinking sweet God, let’s not have a second day of Owlette. Welp, sweet baby Jesus heard my heathen prayer because she is not Owlette today and I am not Cat Boy. Nope. Today I am Everest and she is Skye from Paw Patrol. Yep, we’re dogs.
Where is the wine?
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