Teaching My Child

I am awake in the wee hours of the morning, staring at my daughter who finally decided that sleep was something that she would grant the large peasants that fulfill her every need. Once she GOES to sleep, she generally sleeps for 7 hours or so, but GETTING her to concede the day is where the problems lies. We are working on it.

So much has been going on this last month. Some very happy family times and some very disappointing times. A crazy election season, what folks are saying is the beginning of the end for the US and world relations. Loss of rights, loss of life, a pipeline, violence and political gain. It is like Dynasty is happening, in real life. (Y'all remember Dynasty, don't you?) This is NOT a political post... because I have a whole other blog for that... but I will say that in the last month and a half, hubs and I have shared our fears of raising a biracial daughter in this world. Some people won't get it, because they won't ever have to raise a biracial child... and that is fine. Some people will dismiss our concerns, because our reality is simply not their reality... and that is fine. 

No matter what is going on around us, I will raise an amazingly strong young lady because that is exactly what I raised to be. There are several lessons that I will teach her, but three stand out as "biggies" that I want her to take with her forever. 

1. Confidence is Key 

Now, I don't want her to be an asshole, lie about her accomplishments or what she can get done and I certainly don't want my kid to skate just because she is pretty, but I do want my daughter to feel limitless. I want her to go into every situation knowing that if she doesn't find the answer the first time, that is okay... and she should try again. I want her to have confidence in herself, her family and her ability to overcome anything. Persistence, not perfection. 

2. Be Smart

Good mercy, I see lots of women dumb themselves down for their surroundings. They either play dumb to get (or keep) attention or to make someone feel better about themselves. I will absolutely teach my daughter that is not necessary. Everyone that she chooses to be around should be comfortable with the idea that she is intelligent without being condescending... and she should be comfortable with that reality. Being smart is commendable. Nerd power is exciting! 

3. Be A Hero

Who doesn't want to raise a kid that helps her fellow man? I want her to be compassionate. I want her to be the person that folks look to when they need help... and I want her to help when she can. It is important (to me) to raise a kid whose first instinct is to make sure she doesn't contribute to the suffering of those around her. I want her to win and help other people win. 

Raising kids is no cake walk. Hell, being an example is no cake walk. I am going to have to raise my game to a whole new level. But after seeing who is passing as role models now-a-days, I owe it to my kid to be at the very top of my game. Every day.  


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