Summertime Living Is Easy

This is going to be more of a catch up, what's been going on entry... because SO much has been happening around here. First of all, WE HAVE A WALKER!! That's right, Baby K is making her way everywhere, mostly on her own. For a few months she has been participating in assisted walking, which really just means that she was dragging me and hubs around the house for balance. She still crawls and does her little bunny hop, but she added (non assisted) walking to her repertoire on May 28th. To be fair she put together 3 steps on the 27th, but really took off the following day. Her new thing is to walk towards you like she is going to bless you with her presence and at the last minute she turns around and goes the other way-- it is very entertaining... for her.

Next: she still hates baths. Like, crying fits, hates them. She will get wiped off with little to no problems but the whole immerse her body into water is a constant struggle. She hayed the little seat that you put in the bathtub. We put her in a laundry basket with all her waterproof toys- that was met with disgust and tears. I put her in the kitchen sink (which was absolutely the most adorable thing to date) and she cried the entire time. The entire time. Yesterday (during my Self Care Escape) I bought a couple of bath bombs from LUSH... I'm going to try some different "entertaining" during bath time and see what happens.

Breastfeeding: holy moly, I want to be done with this part of Motherhood, BUT right now my little LoveBug is experiencing what has to be a painful situation-- she is growing in 4 molars at the same time. (Sad face). She is more than a little clingy at the moment. She has gone back to bottle/sippy cup use, after a 3.5 month hiatus, so the number of nursing sessions have definitely declined-- so we will just keep working towards getting the number from 4 to zero.

Social Life: Baby K is a dreamboat, most of the time. She won't just go to anyone (which is good) but she will acknowledge people with niceties (like waving hi and bye). She says mama, dada, bye bye and something that sounds like cat and dang it! We don't know where she got dang it, because we don't say it, but we will take it right now!

Health: everything is going well. She is getting to the end of her vaccination schedule (yay, because she hates shots). She is the 99th percentile for weight, 90th for height... essentially, she is the size of a 2 year old. While we are shocked, we are just grateful that she is happy and healthy!!

World Tour: ok, not the world... yet. But summer weather is defending upon the great state of Ohio and that means that we are going to pack up our baby and our little dog to do some traveling! We have already been on a couple Family Adventures, and those stories are coming! Pictures will also be posted to Instagram (@phemomena) just like our Savannah trip, so make sure to check there to see pictures of our beautiful, smiley baby girl!!


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