
Showing posts from January, 2016

Sleep? What Is That?

Ah, 4 am-- we meet again. Here we are, at the beginning of week 29, and my "miserably" factor has been amped up to 1,000. I cannot sleep. I don't make it through the night-- and I have tried. Every night for the last few weeks. Seriously, 11 more weeks of this... y'all. Today I watched my little brother play in a college basketball game. As usual, I was a little, um, animated. I was tired afterward, but kept hubs company on the car ride home. Baby K was squirming around in utero, making the car ride home very uncomfortable, so when we got home I hopped right out of my jeans and right into bed. It was 7:30pm. Don't judge me-- I did not go right to sleep. I told hubs that I wanted to try to stay awake until 10 pm, in the hopes of sleeping through the night. I think I made it to 9:30. I slept until 12:30 am. And here I am four hours later, listening to hubs and ALL the animals in the house breathe in sleep... deeply. I'm freaking jealous. I have updated my ba...

Pregnant Thoughts - Week 26

Week 26 and all the joy it brings, amirite? Here are a few reflections as I move through this week of fun filled runs to the bathroom and (well after) midnight foraging adventures in the kitchen. Glucose Test:  Yep, it sucked. I was thinking that maybe my sweet tooth and I would not be affected by that sickeningly sweet concoction, but I was wrong. Ugh.  So, let me tell y'all the real deets: at my last OB/GYN appointment I was given a choice of orange or fruit punch flavor. I chose fruit punch because, why not? I haven't tried out orange, but I imagine that it CANNOT be better or much different-- so I have concluded that both of these drinks taste like shit. So, you have 5 minutes to choke down this drink- and you CANNOT eat or drink after you have finished it. You have to remember the time you finished because 1 hour from then, you get a fantastic finger prick that will let you know if you have some form of gestational diabetes. Do I have to reiterate that I was not a fan ...

The Woman With A Plan

This probably should have been my very first post, so y'all would know exactly HOW I got suckered into this thing called pregnancy. But, truthfully, I am a little backwards sometimes, so the fact that it ISN'T my first post on this blog is kind of apropos. I find that since this pregnancy hasn't been all sugar and spice, I am... a complainer. Plus, I have ALWAYS said in the past (and my friends have reminded me) that I really wasn't the kind of person to have children. I don't really like kids. Well, ok-- I like being the cool older person/babysitter/auntie figure... and then I like leaving and going back to my home, which is lazy and silent (besides the dogs barking and the infrequent meows from the cat). So what made me want to give up my fantastic house silence for the hustle and bustle of having a kid?? The truth? I was plied with alcohol. Seriously. Picture it: Spring, 2014. I got a text message from one of my college buds-- she wanted to meet up for drinks a...