D is for Delivery #AtoZChallenge

With all these letters, I feel like I am on 26 episodes of Sesame Street! Today I am going to talk about two types of delivery: birth and my writing style. 

Let's start with BIRTH. As you can read in my Birth Story Recap, part one and two, I delivered Baby K via a scheduled c-section. I chose to deliver this way WELL before April 12th, 2016. Hubs and I talked about my medical history and concerns almost as soon as we found out I was pregnant. I brought up my concerns with my doctor and got a second opinion-- we all came to the conclusion that a c-section would be my absolute best option. Baby K clearly had the same plan because when we went in for the c-section, she was lying transverse in utero... so I was going to have to deliver by c-section anyway. (I feel bad for the ladies who are not mentally prepared to deliver this way because it was high stress for me and I knew what was coming).

If you read some mommy blogs there is a nasty little group of mamas that talk so badly about those of us who deliver via c-section. I have actually read comments where women say that a "c-section is not a birth." Ma'am... let's not ever go there. I don't judge how women get there babies here. Some ladies give birth at home, or a birthing center or in the car on the way to the hospital. Some ladies deliver vaginally with absolutely no medication, some get to be a little dazed and confused to offset discomfort and some of us get spinal blocks. I don't begrudge anyone because their method differs from mine. Every mama should do whatever they can to ensure that their baby gets to the outside... healthy and happy. And no mama should be judged on how she makes that happen.

I am glad that I was mentally prepared for surgery. I am also glad that I had a doctor who listened to my concerns, weighed all the options and went with what would be best for me and my child. Pregnancy is one of the most precious times in a woman's life and she should feel like she is being heard and all her concerns should be addressed. Mine were and I was elated when I gave birth to Baby K in that super cold OR. 

The other kind of delivery I want to talk about is my writing style. Essentially, I write like I speak. Like a nice little conversation on paper. My voice is that of a sarcastic bastard. Always has been. I am not even sure I can help it at this point. What I'm saying is: I'm a little crass. I have the ability to be refined... and I totally choose not to be. In real life, my conversations often feature 4 letter words-- not because I am ill-bred but because through these writings I hope to treat you like friends and family. You know, those folks who don't expect you to mind your manners 24/7. So, please take that into consideration when you delve into this posts. My mind races and wanders sometimes... and my thoughts aren't always clean... but they are always sincere. 


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